Jan 9, 2008

Reflection for Wednesday and Tech Tid Bits

Wounds That Heal>>>more
devotion from RBC Ministries
Inspiration tracks for today:
CeCe Winans...Hallelujah Praise
Dewayne Woods...Let Go

Reading this devotion hits home for me in two ways...when losing my son and losing my job. To truly know that I can go to my Lord and Savior and to listen to his wisdom for when to spend time to myself and when to share with others was a true blessing. Many people may not understand this devotion from Our Daily Bread and the passage Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 1:1-7 about "being thankful for suffering from time to time" and I'm not going to lie when you are going through the storms, the pain you can not see the reason behind it and what I have learned to ask my Heavenly Father is not "why" but "okay, what do I learn from this?"

I learned a big lesson when reading the book of Job because if you really pay attention God did not answer Job why he was putting Job through the pain and loss of his family, property but in the end it made Job stronger. I will never tell someone to just "suck it up" or "There is a reason for this tragedy in your life" because 1. I do not know and can not know how that person is feeling and 2. That person has a right to grief, to be angry, to lash out. Sometimes just being in their presence is what they need. One thing I have learned that at the time when I have went through tough times I did not understand why but later down the road I have come across someone that I know were going through trials and I try and be there for them. If I can answer the question "why" and if I don't know, I let them know as well. I do not wish pain on anyone but I have said this before...be honest with yourself most times we learn from our lows more than our highs.

If you get angry with God, that's okay because he created us and by our falling world we are going to have things go wrong in our lives at times that's not by our causing I will ask "why?" Sometimes God will tell us why and sometimes he will not but in the end it will be a tool for you and I to help others down the road.

Be Blessed, Be Safe
& have a Wonderful day

My Tech Stories Pick for Wednesday:
Handshakes, not the Internet, win N.H. for Clinton and McCain
Best Buy to double number of stores selling Apple's Mac line
iTunes movie rental fire gets a poke: Warner Bros, Fox, Disney, Paramount and Lions Gate all on board?

Audio Picks for Wednesday:
Christian and Tech Netcast to check out...

Finding the Potential in Passion
(FamilyLife Today) Dennis Rainey

Delighting in Your Spouse's Differences 2
(Focus on the Family) Dr. James Dobson

Episode 212: We have Products Galore from CES 2008!
(dl.tv) Roger Chang & Robert Heron

*and when you have time....

these messages from Back To The Bible has been really on point in reference to reading the bible...

Freshman Orientation
Sophomore--Building Skills
Junior--Focus on the Core

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