Jul 20, 2007

Devotion and Reflections for Today

Some devotions I get right away, others it may take a little while to sink in my heart and soul, this one it started slow up the track and now it's gaining speed. To knowing that no matter where I am, what situation God is with me to help me through it. Yesterday was one of those days. Sitting behind a loud talker is not very cool. You know it's bad when my wife can hear every word that my co-worker is saying and repeat it back to me. It's bad that I have to wear noise canceling headphones just to get peace and this is everyday. I have learned now not ask God, "Why?" I have learned to ask Him, "Lord, I don't like this situation so what are your trying to teach me?"

Last week I was listening to one of my netcast, Back to the Bible and Woodrow Kroll said that when you read the book of Job (which is not an easy read mind you) God never gave Job the answer to his question but turned around and began asking Job questions. Once I heard that a light bulb went off and I had one of those, "I get it now" moments. No matter what I am going through, it's better to have God with you when going through the storm than to not have God when things are going well.

I am learning everyday that knowing having Christ Jesus with me always He is giving me peace, wisdom when things are going well and the same when I'm going through my "valleys". As I'm sitting here writing this He is drawing me near Him, having me to focus more on what He has for my life, to get to work on time. He is telling me that it could be much worse, I could not be able to have my iPod and even listen to His word. He is also teaching me that when things are peaceful that is when I need to draw closer to Him because we are going to have our valley moments whether we want it or not. As our pastor says time and time again, "when the pressure is on, this will show your TRUE character.

Okay God, I may not like this situation but you're going to help me through this and I am going to be a better person for this I know (I just wish this valley was not so loud. )

Be Blessed, Be Safe, Have a Wonderful Friday everyone.

"Gold there is, and rubies in abundance,
but lips that speak knowledge are a rare jewel."

~Proverbs 20:15

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