Jul 26, 2007

Devotion and Reflection for Today

One thing I love about the Bible is that it is not a fairly tale book. The Bible doesn't use perfect people and God shows their flaws and all. Some of the heroes of the Bible lives are cut short because of their own choices, (Samson comes to mind). But what if you have done every thing God has told you to do? When you are tithing and bills come out of nowhere do you stop tithing? How about if you have a co-worker or supervisor that for no reason just keep giving you a hard time and you are there on time, you mind your own business do you stop being the model employee? If you are married to a unbeliever and now matter how much you pray do you just stop praying for that spouse?

No, No and No.

It may be easy to say "No" now but when you are going through that storm and you read post like this you say to yourself, *Hump* "Easy for you to say mister, you don't know how long I have been going through this mess." I'm not going to lie no it's not easy, it's very hard to keep our mind on God when you are going through your valley. King David felt this way many times, some grief was brought on "just because" and some grief was brought on because of the choices he made as being a neglectful. This is where I come back to the Bible. In Matthew Jesus advises people who choose to follow Him; the road will be tough, it will not be easy, many times you are going to be that lone voice of reason at times whether if you are at work or at home, with co-workers, with family members, you will be the "the odd person out" at times.

s I wrote yesterday I was that odd person out so to speak. I was not attractive (not saying that I am now...just average but my wife loves me...that should count, right?), I stuttered really bad, I was molested as a child by a relative, it seems like a had a crush on a girl every other month and to no prevail never really dated, never really had a close relationship with my mother. All of these things I could have just walked around with a chip on my shoulder and been angry at the world and at times this is what I did but at sometime in my life I took a very hard look at myself and said, "who is the really hurting, the people who have wronged me or myself ?"

Sometimes it's hard to look within and be totally honest with yourself. Some of the things that happened to me was not my fault but some situations I brought on myself and that is when I realized that no matter what I have been through God has been with me. When I was stumbling and stuttering God was with me...He taught me who to listen to and how to control my stuttering, to be patient with people who have difficulty speaking (this is why I am in pursuit of a Mass Communication Degree). When I was taking advantage of as a child God was with me...he taught me to show love toward my grandchildren and niece because sometimes children just need to know that you love them for who they are even when there make mistakes. When I did not date all through high school and felt all alone...God was with me because many of the guys I thought was cool and had it all together, most fell by the wayside either to drugs or had 2-3 children out of wedlock and is paying child support to no end.

Those so called "thorns" in my side was God growing me, showing me that through your lonely nights it was not easy, it will not be easy but I will never leave you, never. He has taught me when situation are going really bad to still look within and ask the tough questions to myself and to be honest with myself before I go pointing the fingers at others. I know now that following God is a very tough road but when you see others stumbling you can come besides them and let them know it's okay to make mistakes, it's okay to get angry sometimes, you're human, you are not perfect and that you Lord has not left you. I will make mistakes today tomorrow but knowing that when I ask for true forgiveness God truly "forgives and forgets". When you are going through tough times and it's no fault of your own God is there growing us and at the time we may not understand why but in the end we see the results. I have come to love the fact that I am an odd ball (not in the mystical, creepy way. I can be honest...there are some Christians that are just "too religious and you hate to see them coming). I have said time and time again, "I rather be an outsider in Christ's Circle than popular in the world's circle."

Be honest with yourself, when do you learn the most, grow the most; when times are going great or when you are going through "hell"? We do not need to go through bad times all the time but I think that is when we truly learn about ourselves and others and who is truly there for you in those times and for me Christ has had my back every single time.

"A lying tongue hates those it hurts,
and a flattering mouth works ruin."

~proverbs 26:28

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