Apr 3, 2008

Reflections for Thursday o4.o3.o8

Right Place>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

Have you ever read a Biblical passage and every verse that you are acquired to read speaks to you? I mean ever verse is like it REALLy spoke to you? Reading the acquired reading for this morning (Proverbs 16:1 thru 9) did that for me. We are supposed to make plans, we are suppose to prepare for our future but sometimes things do not map out the way they that they should and we sometimes get bent out of shape...okay I get bent out of shape at times but in the end isn't it funny how they work themselves out many times. Now I not talking about just going through life and having a "what will be, will be" attitude, that's not good. I'm talking about sometimes how we may have planned something one day and got their a day early but you end up meeting someone you haven't seen in years and have a chance to catch up on old times. Or you may have left out of the house 5 minutes late thinking you are going to be miss out on the best opportunity of a lifetime only to find out if you may have left out on time you could have been in accident once you past a section of a road you normally travel.

For me today is a time to begin getting out of my own way. It's really cool how you can come across so many messages that tell you that it's time to take a different approach to situations. Last night before going to bed I finally had a chance to listen to brother in podcasting show (Clarence of "DoYouKnowClarence?") and he hit the nail on the head or as my queen says it, "You hit the nail on the head with the hammer."(I love it how she says the whole thing out like that, it's so cute). From what I took from Clarence's show is that we have to real with ourselves, we have to see ourselves for what we truly are and where we are at that moment so we can finally realize how our Heavenly Father sees us and for me when you do that you can begin focusing on how to improve yourself. I too have had those conversations with myself that I'm being interviewed by Tavis Smiley or Terry Gross, having my face on CNN chatting it up with Anderson Cooper or talking to Keith Olbermann but sometimes we live in that world and not take care of what we need to do in the present.

These 9 verses from Proverbs speaks volumes to my heart today. It tells me yes map out what you need to do for that day but don't get upset if it doesn't work out the way that you planned. We may say with our mouths and may be sincere when it comes to doing some things but God knows what in our heart what we are really seeking. The verses says to me, before my feet hit the floor thank God that he has given me another day to see to bring glory to him. Don't envy boastful people because in the end God knows what is best for them so keep living the way you need to live.

I have to really begin reading a chapter a day from Proverbs because just think if I truly read a chapter a day and followed out what the almighty says how far ahead I would be in this game called life? If just 9 verses from just one chapter woke me up spiritually like this just think what the rest of the book can do for me?

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Thursday

two great messages to get you started today...

"DYKC?™ #19 — No Other Gods, Before ME"
from DYKC

The Struggle With Temptation-Pt. o1
from Dr. Charles Stanley

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