Apr 7, 2008

reflections for o4.o7.o8 Monday

Why? Why? Oh, Why?>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

This question has been ask by Christians and non-Christians, "Why does God allow suffering in our lives?" I'm not going to sit hear and say I have all the answers but I can tell you how I take disappointments in my life now. Even though times I may not like it, I may not agree with God's way of maturing me but I can say in the end it has made me a better person.

First and foremost I now step back and ask MYSELF, "Could I have had a different outcome if I would have chose a different path?" I say this because many times I could have had a better outcome if I would have listened and obeyed the Holy Spirit. I'm getting to the point now that I have to be honest with myself because most of the times I have brought this on myself and I have to take responsibility for my actions. Noticed I said most times because lets be honest, many times we do not want to do it God's way because (1) we do not like to admit we are not always in control (2) pride...plain and simple.

Sometimes God allows things to happen in my life because as the devotion says, sometimes we have to be matured in certain situations, certain trials because in the end it will make us a stronger Christian for His kingdom and we can also be there for someone who later down the road might be going through something similar. I am learning that when God is allowing something to happen in my life that may bring me pain I am learning when God allows this heartache it's only chastisement and not His wrath because if it was the latter I would have no where to turn because in the end I do not want him to turn me over to my own ways of living.

I remember being in the world and when this situation or that situation did not go my way I would cry out to Him and back then I thought I was being punished by God. But in essence God was trying to get me to come back into his loving arms because now that I look back they was nothing for me out in the clubs, trying to sleep with every woman I encounter; as the ol' folks would say to me, "there's nothin' out there those streets for you boy!" Having to go through trials and pain even as a Christian is not a fun thing to feel but saying to myself, "I don't understand why this is happening in my life at this moment God, but I know in the end it is for my own good." I have also learned that God will sometimes but rarely give me the answer to my "Why's" but he gives me the answer to my "What" questions. Many times God will flip the script and begin to ask me "Why" questions which I do not have the answers. I have stop asking why when my eyes were open in reference to reading the book of Job. If you noticed God never really answered Job questions but in the end Job understood what God was trying to bring out of him character wise and he[Job] also realized that God was with him throughout his ordeal. Painful for Job yes...did it make him a better person in the end...yes.

As a follower of Christ, next time instead of asking "why?" ask God, "What are you trying to have me do or learn from this situation?" The answer may just surprise you.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Monday.

audio message for today...
Separating from Unbelievers -- Part 2
John MacArthur{Grace To You}

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