Apr 4, 2008

Reflections for Friday o4.o4.2oo8

What Should I Do?>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

Experiencing Inner Peace>>>more
devotion from In Touch Ministries

Both titles of the each devotion I experience every day and I believe many other do as well. I have to admit, I have let my walk with God slip and now I am getting it back because I have found that when walking with God I am able to experience inner peace and I go from "What Should I Do?" to "I Know What I Must Do". When following God's plan it is sometimes necessary to not allow so much of the world to influence your decisions. Just this morning while watching MSNBC I noticed how the reporter when speaking the Rev. Al Sharpton how she kept gravitating to the negative and how he[Sharpton] and to keep pushing it back the positive. Isn't it amazing how the world is drawn to the negative like a moth to the flame but then turn around and ask, "How come it's so much bad in the world?"

This I know why it's evil in the world because of my fore-father and mother: Adam & Eve. Once they tasted the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil sin came into our world and the trick Satan tries to do day in and day out is for everyone to concentrate on the negative in the world. I am not saying to look at the world through rose colored glasses but to realize that many times the decisions we make for our lives plays a huge part of what we will experience much in life. We need to be caution but not fearful, we need to know when to speak and when to listen, we need to learn how to say no, and most important, we need to know that we cannot please everyone or live by people's standards. It's hard to do sometimes because of what we have been through in life but the more we look to our Heavenly Father the more we realized how to handle certain situations, what we can change in our lives and what we cannot change.

I am learning this day by day because I struggle with this but as I write this I am realizing that when I struggle with what God's want with my life it is me that is wasting valuable, precious time because deep down I know he wants the best for me and I have to constantly seek Him and obey Him because I know in the end He knows what I need and how I will handle success and failure. The more I force myself to seek His goodness the more breakthrough I will have when it comes to decisions and having that peace within. I say force because when you let your walk slip from God, Satan will fight you tooth and nail to stop you from seeking God's goodness for your life and that is what I am struggling with now but I see good news ahead because God has allowed me to see what he[Satan] is doing and as long as I wake up each day that is another day I have the chance to draw closer to my heavenly Father.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Friday/Weekend

I do not follow Dr. James Dobson that much but sometimes he has pretty good segments from time to time that need to be shared with the world and these are to programs that everyone should take heed to in reference to finances

from Focus on the Family

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