Feb 6, 2008

Reflections for Wednesday

Peripheral Vision>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

This devotion and biblical passage speaks to me and me personally. I think sometimes we forget than when reading God's word we have to take personal and not just "words on pages". I have to remind myself of this. These past weeks I have truly taken my eyes off the prize and have been looking backward instead of looking forward, searching for approval and not doing what God wants me to do. But God is so patient with me and I thank him for that.

It blows me away how focus Christ was. Nothing took him by surprise. I'm not saying he did not get disappointed or he did not get tired or hungry or thirsty because as we know, he was all man and all God(and I still can't wrap my mind around that but it is awesome). Jesus knew and knows today that we as humans we can get caught up in people praises and their insults; we can be our own worse enemy when it comes to dwelling on mistakes (I'm still kinda stewing that I allowed 56 free songs go to waste from eMusic because I let the promotion expire on me last night but I got to shake it off). We as followers of Christ have to know the cost when it comes to following him and Jesus tells us time and time again in detail what that cost may be when deciding to do it his way instead of the world's way.

He[Jesus] also reminds me that when following him I can not take my eye off of him, his commands, his principles...not one second. It's amazing how little by little we drift away from him and before we know it we do not get on our knees or face to pray, we do not read God's word and before long we are wondering why we react to certain situations the way we do, why even in times of prosperity we are still not content and joyful. I can not stew in my failures or bask and glow in my successes...always have to give God his time, always have to move forward because life does not stand still, time is being that you can not bribe, cheat, bargain with no matter what we try and do and slow it down.

I have to do this...God[his word, his principles, me being obedient to him] first, wife second, me third. When doing that how can I lose?

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Wednesday

Spiritual audio for today:
The Consequences of Uncontrolled Weakness
from In Touch Ministries
{listen now or right click to download or subscribe thru iTunes}

1 comment:

  1. you are so right...I start going through drama and reacting in all the wrong ways and then I stop and realize that I haven't been reading the Word! I have to become more focused on HIM!
