Feb 25, 2008

Pressure Truly Shows What A Person Is Made Of

I have to admit I allowed myself to be duped...duped by the Clinton's. Maybe as some people say, "the less of two evils" applied with me when going with the Democrats. No, I'm not switching parties because how I feel about the Conservatives and especially with the first four years of the Bush Administration if they would have had their way it would have been "House Slaves" and "Field Slaves". If it is one thing I can give the Bush Administration credit is that Bush truly showed that if you are having problems filling your tank at the pump, buying groceries that is your problem not his. Now I am not one to have the government bail us out of everything because sometimes we as a nation waste a lot of money on things we do not need, can not afford and then want to blame the big bad corporation on our choices in some things in life. With me, you know what your getting when you deal with the Republicans but with the Democrats I am learning they are just as but and maybe worse.

Hillary Clinton has showed me she will do anything and say anything to win. After watching Tina Fey on Saturday Night Live basically campaign for Hillary and how the skits tried to say that the press is soft on Obama and tough on her because she is a "woman". As I am writing this post tomorrow (Feb. 26th, Tuesday) will be the debate with Barack and Hillary and I am going to try and stomach this debate because what I am seeing from Senator Clinton she does not handle pressure well and as my beautiful/better whole said, "she's no better than President Bush" and you know what she hit the nail on the head. This is her last hour and some people get better when the pressure is on and some do not...she[Clinton] does not. From her desperate showing at the State of the Black Union, her rant about Obama questions about her decision on NAFTA, her sarcastic remarks about his speeches, Senator Hillary is not sticking to the topics we need to have addressed, she's trying to attack him personally. I keep hearing about her "experience" but what does that mean? Let's be honest, we have had bosses with all kind of experience but made situations worse in the workforce, in our classrooms.

One thing I have learned from experience is when you are not happy with yourself, when your home life is not in order, some people allows that to spill over into their work area and that is not healthy. No one has not or do not want to address this but you do not think that ex-president Clinton's affairs with 3 women is not having an affect on her? Do you really think that he[ex-President Clinton] want her to win? My gut feeling is "no" and I also feel that I believe this is the one chance she has to prove to herself that she is important. I could be wrong but from her going from saying, "her and Barack or friends" to trying to tear him down and I know she thinks, "it's not personal...it's business" just has me thinking that if she get the nod for the presidential nominee she will not be getting my vote and here's why.

I'm tired of Republicans treating us citizens (especially African-Americans) like tools and I'm tired of Democrats coming around and thinking just because they are Democrats that equals automatic African-American votes. We as African-Americans should be tired of the 2-4 year "political booty call" and they act as if they are our "white knights in shiny armor."

What I have gathered from the Obama campaign is that the government is there to help you not to hold your hand 24/7 and from what I'm seeing from her[Clinton] campaign is that she is doing what every other Left Wing and Right Wing has told the American votes year after year...what we "want" to hear instead of what we "need" to hear. But the sad thing most people want to be lied to so when the deals falls through we have someone to blame. My advise to Barack is to keep doing what you are doing because when you teach hope and self sufficient you build confidence in themselves and we as one person said today, "we the people become the masters and the businesses are the servants instead of the other way around." Hillary Clinton wants to be our "savior" and Barack wants you and I to begin using common sense.

Senator Clinton, I see how you perform under pressure and what I see there is no way I would want you as Commander-in-Chief. From what I am seeing you are no better than President Bush...if situations do not go your way, you try and bully your way to the top. Word of advise...when you manipulate your way to any position it ends up blowing up in your face...ask the current Commander-in-Chief.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this information
