Sep 29, 2006

Apple Is Getting Me Angry

Pod People Ponder Litigation>>>more

Leo Laporte once said that he's happy that Apple does not have the market shares as Microsoft because if they did, Steve Jobs would be twice as ruthless...I tend to agree;

this letter sent out by Apple this Wednesday to some companies not to use the word 'Pod' or 'Podcast' just proves sometimes how small and petty Jobs can be at times. I like Apple products, I still have my blue and white G3 tower, I have a couple of iPods, I like there hardware, how I have told many of people that Apple for me has made learning 'computing' fun again. But there are somethings I do not like.

I recently had a hard drive die on me, the Maxtor OneTouchII was not a year old when it went and died on me. I had many AAC downloads (this is Apple format for their downloads) and me being foolish did not back them all up.

Now I share part of the blame for my laziness but what gets under my skin is that Apple has a database showing that I purchased these songs yet if I lose them...too bad, and when I go and purchase the songs again (and I feel I shouldn't) a warning box will pop up stating, "Are you sure you wish to purchase this song, you have already downloaded before" or something to that effect. So you know my next question; if you have my information why should I have to buy them from you again?

This past Sunday Leo and the gang on TWiT mentioned that on Will Wheaton's blog that he lost his songs and contacted Apple and they let him retrieve them again. I will try and find out how Wil went about that miracle and when I find out, I will pass it on to you because it's a shame that first Apple put their stupid DRM codec on their downloads and second if you lose your downloads, you have to pay again for the songs "YOU" purchased.

I wrote about this I think earlier this month or last month about eMusic. I really hope they pass iTunes because it's cool how they have their system set up. I am going back to buying CDs because I will always have the hard copy.

Sorry about that...I was really suppose to comment on this stupid letter from Apple about trying to stop other companies from using the word 'Pod' or 'Podcast' and I go on about not being able to retrieve lost downloaded songs from Apple.

Just makes me mad.

other tech news for ya: Console war, Apple Fixes 15 Flaws, Fast start for Vista

christian news for your soul: A Capital "T", How Long is God's Arm?, Say It with Grace

christian & tech podcasts: a new beginning, episode 98

photo: google image

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