Victory Lane: David's Songs>>>more
from Turning Point website
This is something that I have come to learn and love to do, worship the Lord through song and hymns. The songs of today are more comtemparary and that's good for me.
For a very long time I did not sing in church because of the church songs I heard as a child, they were so depressing and most of the congregation looked so sad, never really had anything positive thing to say or really show for it, not only in material things but some of the comments, "I'm just waiting until God take me away", or "we're going to receive our happiness once we get to heaven". I would hear them say would have me thinking, "if being a Christian is this depressing, why become a Christian at all?".
As I have heard some pastors say today, "God did not tell us to come up the 'rough side of the mountain' ".
Many years later hearing prays songs and hymns from our Praise and Worship team and church, listening to like artists like Praiz, B.O.S. Cho'Zyn, Kirk Franklin, BeBe & CeCe Winans, Jars Of Clay, The Newsboys has really change my way of worshiping the Lord.
Some of the older Christians may not like this new generation but we have to open our mind and heart to reach to the youth of today because it's so much negative media out here for them today but with the ministries of our church, pastor Greg Laurie, James McDonald and so many others are now coming to see that not only the old hymns are moving but the youth Christian music is a great blessing as well.
"Father, grant that my children would learn to live a life of love, through the Spirit who lives in them".
other devotions/broadcast for today: chuck swindoll's broadcast, our daily bread, insight for living
photo: google image
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