Sep 30, 2006

Weekend Devotion and Reflection

God Is in Control
of Our Salvation>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

One of the reasons why I really respect our pastor is that his teaching of the Word of God simple and straight to the point. He let us know that our Heavenly Father find no pleasure with any of us going to Hell, but as there were rules and principles in our home growing up there are principles and rules with our Lord and Savior.

God gave us all free will, so that means we can chose to obey or disobey Him. Now I am not going to sit and right this saying that I ALWAYS obey Him....I don't. Whether it's small as not getting up at a certain time in the morning when the alarm goes off to major as tithes and offerings, the one thing I love about the Lord is that He gives me principles to apply and if the are followed I see the results. If I don't apply them, the results. He has mercy on us but sometimes we have to pay the consequences for our disobedience.

Every time I read the book of Genesis I love God more and more. From Adam and Eve to Joseph, God's explained to Adam and Eve what they could and could not do...the good and the bad. Think about it, He tells them both they could have 'every tree in the garden' except for one. Many people don't think about that section have EVERYTHING except for one thing...and we still want that one thing, something is wrong with that picture. When they ate of fruit that God told them not to eat, the Oneness that they had with Him was cut off because of their disobedience. And I love how they came up with excuse after excuse but in the end, God stuck to His word because, 'His word does not come back to Him void'.

To me God's principles and truths are not a burden to's a freedom. He is not trying to keep me from life, His Word and teachings are having me enjoy life to the fullest.

Let God in your heart and soul today.

Have a Blessed, Safe, and Fun weekend everyone.


Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, help my children to live lives that overflow with thankfulness, always giving thanks to You".

Christian readings for today: From Here To Eternity, Victory Lane: David's Son, Sin in the Camp

tech news: You don't need an iPod to enjoy podcasts, HP buys Voodoo PC, new Nintendo console

Christian & Tech podcast: thru the bible Q&A, engadget podcast

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