Jan 5, 2010

Why I'm Diggin' Yahoo! Mail Again

I'm digging Yahoo Mail again for one simple reason...folders. That may not be important to most people and someone has even told me that you can make folders with Gmail but in the end I'm finding myself using Yahoo Mail more and more. I'm not giving up Gmail by a long shot but something about Yahoo! Mail has grown on me again.

One thing I'm realizing is that with folders for me my inbox is looking much better because by me having folders I can move the mail I wish to keep and the rest I can trash and for me that's a cool thing. Gmail has labels and stars you can place by important emails but still for me it's a little overwhelming at times. My GMail account was overtaken by stars and labels at one time so I trashed all of the email to feel like I could breathe again.

Another thing I have begun is forwarding my Gmail email to my Yahoo Mail and I've set up my GMail to delete the email. I may change that in the future with the Gmail settings where it will keep the email and go through once a day and trash what I want I don't need but as for now it's cool be able to get a handle on email for the first time in a very long time.

Now I know Yahoo Mail sometimes places mail in the Spam folder but I'm learning that it's easier to move it from Spam to a folder...at first it would bug me when mail was go into the Spam folder but that was at a time when Spam was really growing and Yahoo introduced a filtering process and it was more miss than hit but it has greatly improved and with spam coming at you like a huge wave I welcome the Spam folder with open arms. Gmail Spam filter works well but with the way this spam is thrown at us it's a wonder many people do not make a new email address every year to combat spam. (let me move on...just mentioning spam makes my head hurts)

It's funny how for me how things come back around and for me now Yahoo Mail I'm loving again. Maybe this year I may invest in Yahoo! Mail Plus so this way I can forward my mail to my Outlook but why should I do that when GMail does it for free but then again for $19.99 annually charge for Yahoo! Mail Plus, I think that's a cool investment. I'm not too crazy with the new design of Yahoo Mail (which gives you the option of switching back to Classic mode which I like) but over all Yahoo! Mail for me is cool for me for now.

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