Jan 31, 2007

Devotion and Reflection for Wednesday

God's Pathway to Success>>>more
devotion from
In Touch Ministries

Joshua 1:7 (New Living Translation)
"Be strong and very courageous. Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them, turning either to the right or to the left. Then you will be successful in everything you do."

With how the world views success the above passage can hard to follow at times. We as Christians want the best but at the same time do want to seem we are money hungry. Let allow how many non Christians view us...either we are weak and always looking for God to do it all for us or we have too much, hiding behind God to make a profit. We as Christians see how the world is "successful" and wonder why should live right, follow rules. We see all the glamour, fame and wonder to ourselves, "what's wrong with having what they have? Didn't God said 'we are suppose to be the head and not the tail?' "

These are very loaded questions and even though I do not want to be famous I can't lie, I don't see anything wrong with being rich. It's not for just the money sake in my book, but I'm not going to lie, money makes things, situations a little bit better. Like Zig Ziglar always says..."Money isn't everything but it's the next big thing to oxygen." I'm learning what God means by success his way everyday.

Success God's way gives you peace at night, you don't have to look over your shoulder. I'm learning success His way is being obedient to God's word, paying your tithes, paying your bills on time, being patient when it comes to purchasing items, not promising people things you can not deliver, not worrying about keeping up with the Jones, being true to God and yourself.

Right now if everything goes according to plan, I will be starting school soon and I can't wait. Working at a job you have no passion for is the pits. I wish I would have been more stronger and more confidence in myself when it came to following the passion that God has placed in my heart. No, it's not too late because I'm following what He wants me to do with my life now. Satan is trying to beat my spirit down by saying, "you waited too late...how are you going to do it...you're 41, you have to work full time and trying to go to school...you waited too late...you're not smart enough...you're married with a wife...how are you going to accomplish this?"

But then God comes back and says, "I gave Abraham a child when he was 100 years old...scholarships are out there, you don't have any small children...manage your time wisely...pay now and play later....Obey ME(God) leave all the consequences to ME...you can do two things....keep working in field that brings you misery and headaches everyday or work toward what I placed in your spirit and it will bring me joy and praise and will bring you joy and peace of mind."

I had a hard time even writing this because sometimes defining success is not that simple. You want to have a balance in your life and I am finding that having God as my rock, having God as the center of my life is a great place to start. The bottom line is do I want to be successful and what I'm I willing to sacrifice for it? Sacrifice my time away from television and reading books that will help me along...yes. Managing my time, getting people out of my life and allowing people to assist me when I need help and not being prideful...yes. Placing my trust in God first and foremost no matter what and doing my part? What choice do I have.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"I pray that my children would fearlessly make know the mystery of the gospel of Christ Jesus".

Ephesians 6:19

To listen to Dr. Stanley's devotion for today or previous messages....click here

image from allposters.com

To hear the songs by Lee Williams & the QC's go to my vox blog

Jan 29, 2007

Devotion & Reflections for Tuesday

Keeping Your Eye
on the Road
In Touch Ministries

It's easy to say, "keep your eyes on God" but sometimes it's hard because of our circumstances. I will admit I takes my eyes off of Jesus Christ from time to time, we all do. But I am learning this...the more I focus on Christ Jesus the more He can accomplished through me.

He allows me to get more accomplished at work, in my home, in my duties as a husband.
Keeping my focus on God He's showing me that when I put my hand to the "plow" and allow Him to guide there is nothing I can not achieve. I am learning it's really a comfort to know that He has my back when I abide in His word, and I am finding joy more and more reading His word, following his principles...by me doing this I am learning how much He love me for me, how God wants the very best in my life, whether surrounding me with good people or beautiful landscapes or beautiful music.

This year I will need Him to help me focus because I will begin school again and I am really looking forward to this because of so many things He has planted in me to accomplished. There will be times it will get a little bumpy but I know He is there with me because if He wasn't he would not have put these desires in me to pursue.
Yes, my eye will be on Him because as Dr. Charles Stanley grandfather told him and now I pass it on to my brothers and sisters in Christ..."Trust in God...leave ALL the consequences to Him" Have a Blessed, Safe, & Wonderful Day everyone.
Praying for Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, help my children to live lives that overflow with thankfulness, always giving thanks to You. "

Ephesians 5:20

To hear Dr. Stanley's message for today or previous messages...click here

My vox Christian Brother Ron mentioned this in one of his post and I have to mentioned it myself. I have followed Dr. Stanley for a couple of years and people who have read my post know that I speak very highly of him. The way he teaches the word of God is a true blessing. He has come out with a Life Principle Bible and the first chance I get I'm ordering this Bible because I know it will enhance my life.

Jan 27, 2007

Happy Monday....Devotion & Reflection for today

"Fearing people is a dangerous trap,
but trusting the Lord means safety."
~proverbs 29:25

Getting Your Life
on Course>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

Today's devotion hits on three things that is a must if we as Christians want the best from our Lord and Savior...

  1. laying aside things we can not control
  2. things we can control
  3. maintaining our eye on God.

Sometimes we get things the first two intertwined. This year I keep hearing this in my mind and heart, "take care of what we can and God can take care of what we can not". If we can keep these two in perspective we are on our way of getting back on track with our lives.

With so much going on in our lives today we can sometimes muddy the waters and do not know if we are coming or going but Hebrews 12:1-3 from today's devotion reminds you and I who is in control in our lives always. One main important thing is that we have to cut things out of our lives that we know is doing us harm. Whether it's some music we should not listen to or people we have to let go it has to be done. I have to remind myself to step back and realize that God is not trying to keep me anything good. His main goal is for me to have a life free from "unnecessary drama" and that my friends is a very good thing. The last thing is maintaining our focus.

Throughout the scriptures we find that whenever someone kept there focus on God the end results good. He doesn't promise Followers of Christ Jesus a easy life because with some of the trials that come in our lives it makes our faith stronger, our love for Him greater. This is why we as Christians must start our day with pray and meditation, being open and honest with Him, letting Him know what we are going to face today, the people we will encounter, when to speak, when to listen, grant you and patience because situations are going to pop up throughout the day and we need that wisdom because we do not want to say something we will regret later down the road.

I pray for you today is that I hope everyone realize how much God loves you, how He wants the best for your life, and that we have to bend to His will...He will not bend to our will because His way will ALWAYS be the best way for our lives.
Be Blessed, Be Safe, & have a Wonderful Day.

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"I ask that my children would be committed to prayer, and not faint, lose heart or give up."

Luke 18:1

To hear Dr. Stanley's message for today or previous messages....click here.

Jan 26, 2007

Devotion & Reflections for the Weekend...January 27-28

Too Busy NOT to Pray>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

I touched on this somewhat yesterday about prioritizing my life and this devotion hits the "nail on the head". It's a must that we put Him first because I'm trying to live by this passage from Proverbs 3:5-6...

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;

in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will make your paths straight."

For me in this time in my life, it's a MUST. Just having that quiet time with Him let's me know that life is not going to be fair, people will not like you just because, plans will sometimes fall through but to always look toward our Lord and Savior for comfort, for direction. I have learned from this devotion from Dr. Stanley that if Jesus Christ could pull away when He was busy to go and pray, what excuse do I have?

Sometimes I have to keep reminding myself whenever I go to Him on a regular basis I'm more laid back, less stressed out, I know when to speak, when to listen; things go so much better for me and in return, I'm being obedient to God and I'm a great ambassador for Him and that draws people not close to me but it draws people closer to Him because by showing how I react to different situations in my life in a calm manner it brings Him glory.

Just like exercising, eating right, prayer has to be in our schedule, so much where it becomes "second" nature...where when crises hit we do not panic we do what King David and many of the great prophets in the Bible always did...go to the Lord. We have to have private time for God and ourselves in order to get our "paths" straight.

Be Blessed, Be Safe and Have a Wonderful Weekend.

To hear Dr. Stanley's message for today and previous messages....click here

Prayer for Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church

Passion For The Lord

"Lord, I pray my children's souls would pant for you as the deer pants for streams of water. "

Psalm 42:1

"Father, I pray my children would ask and that you generously give wisdom to them as you promise. "

James 1:5

Devotion and Refection for Friday

The Price of Prayerlessness>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

This year I have to make prayer a priority in my life, no question about it because I have been on the go early this year and I feel so discombobulated and I know the reason...my priorities are screwed up. I can make time for everything else and not make time to my Lord and Savior? As a great wise man said..."that's kooky talk"). I have decided, starting today to put prayer before I leave the home and before I go to bed each night. I have to put Him first no doubt about it. Put Him first, obey His word and He will make my road bearable. Notice I did not say "care free". To be honest, this is what grows you and I, strengthen my daily walk with God and to be there for someone that will go through something similar and you can let them know, "God is there for and with you no matter what storm you are going through.

Now this is for the brothers and sisters in Christ and I'm not being bias because lets be real, many atheists and comedians in the media I am noticing think we(Followers of Christ Jesus) are a bunch of "Kooks" anyway because we believe in a "make believe" superior person. Well...this make believe person has been walking with me even before I was walking with Him. He help me through a rough childhood....my stuttering, my being violated as a youth, having a low self-esteem thinking I wasn't good enough for anyone or myself, hatred from my mother, no father or positive male in my life. He sustained me, kept me alive to finally come to Him and to give my life over to Him so I can have ever lasting life. He brought wonder people in my life to let me know I am loved, I am beautiful and wonderfully made. People can not believe and that is their choice because He has giving all of us free will and free choice...but it always come back to me...what we sow, we will surely reap; and think about this, when you plant an apple seed, do you receive only one apple? Something to think about.

Yep, prayer has to be the focus for my life...starting right now. Please take time and read the devotion from Dr. Stanley today, it will give you something to think about.

To hear Dr. Stanley's message for today or previous messages...click here

Have a Blessed, Safe, & Wonderful Friday.

Praying for Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"God, strengthen my children with all power, so that they may have great endurance and patience. "

Galatians 5:22

Jan 24, 2007

Devotion & Reflections for Thursday

A Lifestyle of Waiting
on God>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

Developing "A Lifestyle of Waiting on God" really depends you and I. We can realize that His plans are better than anything we could ever come up with or we can keep manipulating our situations having a temporary satisfaction only to begin from start and in essence doing double work to achieve happiness once again. The above link shows four very important factors in developing a Christian lifestyle when it comes to the process of waiting on God to move in our lives. It's amazing how we constantly say how we want to know the will of God for our lives but if it doesn't happen in a week's time, we throw our hands up in the air in disappointment.

But we have to realize something, this was a process that we made a mess of our lives and it will take a process to get things back the way they should be in our lives...it's like gaining and losing weight....one day at a time. When we lose weight, it doesn't show on the outside at first, the action is happening inside and gradually we begin to see results. The same with waiting on God. Dr. Charles Stanley says something that I always remember

"While we are waiting....God is working "

The four areas in Dr. Stanley's devotion we need in order to have God work the fullest in our lives (Faith, Humility, Patience, & Courage) are principles that will make you not only stronger for yourself but for your spouse or spouse to be in the long run.

Praying for Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"God of hope, grant that my children may overflow with hope and hopefullness by the power of the Holy Spirit "

Romans 15:13

To listen todays or previous devotions from Dr. Stanley...click here

Devotion & Reflections for Wednesday....I'm Getting Back To My Old Self

The Rewards of Waiting>>>more
from In Touch Ministries

At one time are another we hate waiting....I know I do. But I am realizing that sometimes when you get ahead of God's will the end results are not good. I am finding myself more and more that when I wait on God's timing everything is in line, everything runs smooth and I do not have keep "looking" over my shoulder wondering when the bottom is going to fall out. With anything, we have to train ourselves and not beat up on ourselves when we fall short from time to time.

Now this does not mean we just not carry on with our daily routines, we as Christians sometimes get lazy and think God is our bell hop or butler, as I have said and will continue to say...this is a partnership...we do what we can and God will do what we can not. We must wait on Him when it comes to relationships, when to buy and when to hold on to our money because sometimes it can burn a hole in a pocket, a business decision, which college to attend.

Another thing I am realizing is that the older I get I can not afford not to wait on Him because it's harder to bounce back from major setback, especially when I have caused them. He forgives us but sometimes we still have to pay for some decisions we have made outside of His will and I for you get tired of bumping my head of unnecessary choices.

Learn to wait on Him...it may seem like an enternity at times but the outcomes is so much more better.

Be Blessed,
Be Safe,
& have a Wonderful Wednesday

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church

A Servant's Heart

"God, help my children develop servants' hearts, that they may serve wholeheartedly."

Ephesians 6:7

to hear Dr. Stanley's message for today.....click here and scroll down to Jan 24th