Dec 7, 2009

My Reflections From Monday's Devotion

Monday's Devotion: War . . . Then Peace
Monday's Passage: Luke 22:32-43

For some reason this devotion made me realize something in regards to other people action...when they are rude to me it reflects on them and not on if I react rudely then it reflects on me. I'm not going to lie, it's easy to say and hard to do for me because I guess of the era I came up. I grew up in the 70s, that was a time when you respected your elders, when you were acting out in public and if someone that knew your parents they could say something to you and if they told your parents it was a good chance you get a whipping (or in my time a "whoppin'"). Those days are long gone and I have keep reminding myself those days are long gone.

You have people that if you do not tell them what they want to hear, even if the rules are spelled out to them in black and white they throw fits, speak harshly to you; when working in customer service I have customers that just "hang up". We live in an age where people don't want to read the fine print but are "surprised" when they hear the bottom line price. I'm realizing this is nothing new, Christ Jesus went through the same thing when it came to becoming a Christian.

We live in a time when people want you to be tolerant of the way they live but don't want to be tolerant of Followers of Christ. It's a catch 22 really, accept their views of the world, their rules of the game so to speak but don't tell me yours then when things begin to fall apart in their lives many cry out, "Why God did you let this happen!?!" The older I'm become the more I realize that it's better to live the Christian life instead of preaching the Christian life. When you do this either people will enquire about your life or they will reject you plain and simple...either way it's a win-win situation for your light to shine as a Follower of Christ and you will not have any regrets about the path you have chosen and at the same time you have not been rude to others around you and if people are rude to you know it reflects on them and not on yourself.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Monday


photo: Unforgettable Bryce by Philippe Clairo/InterfaceLIFT

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