The Belayers>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries
my worship songs for today:
Jaci Velasquez
This year (I'm already considering this 2008) I will become more anchored in God's word. This year I had an eye opening and it made me realize that you can not compromise God's word, you can not be friends with everyone, somethings and some people you have to let go and sometimes you cannot befriend them because of their decisions, the way they wish to live their lives. Reading this devotion I am learning that you have to say things in love and not "beat them" over the head with God's word but at the same time you can not compromise his words, his principles.
I read a wonderful post last night in reference to a fellow Christian's daughter that came to the Lord at a very young age and as I write this God is leading me to come in partnership with younger people that follow Christ Jesus because the way our world is now it's painting a world that it's okay sleep with anyone outside of marriage, it's okay to have children outside of marriage, it's okay sleep with the same sex and when you speak out against that you are being "judgmental". One thing I have realized that first and foremost God has giving everyone free will, God never has and never will force his principles on anyone because he wants you to love Him because He wants the best for our lives. We can choose a lifestyle opposite of his ways but he always give us the rewards and consequences of our choices in life.
In my writing I have tried my best to come across in this fashion, never judgmental because I know I am not perfect, I have made mistakes and I know down the road I will make mistakes because I am not perfect but at the same time I will know longer walk on eggshells when it comes to certain subjects, certain beliefs I have because the world does not walk on eggshells when it comes their way of living. The end of 2007 has made me realize that you cannot sometimes when you live a certain way you may step on toes on the way. You do not mean to hurt people feelings but I am learning that God wants the best for our lives and if it means living through persecution, rejection, being shunned in order for us to reach his kingdom in the end, to have everlasting life then so be it.
I think of Christ being beat beyond recognition, back being ripped open until you seen muscles in order for me to be forgiven for my sins the least I can do for my savior is stand on his word. So if this post comes off kind of "closed minded" so be it because we are at war and Satan is playing for keeps. We as Followers of Christ Jesus must become true anchors for God's word and stop compromising his word because of fear of being politically correct because doing we are not being true to God's ways.
This year (2007) has taught me that you can love someone for who they are but never compromise God's word because once you head down that road you lose your insight, your integrity, your peace. Jesus came to reach the sinners, challenged the religious leaders who prejudice against the gentiles (which means that he hates racism), loved the sinner but did not tolerate sin. That is what I am striving for in 2008.
Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& have a wonderful Sunday.
"There are three things that are never satisfied—
no, four that never say, “Enough!”:
the grave,
the barren womb,
the thirsty desert,
the blazing fire."
~proverbs 30:15(b)-16
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Jumping Monkeys 28: Brian Niles of PTA Tech Corner
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