Dec 30, 2007

Sunday Reflections & Tech Nuggets

The Belayers>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries
my worship songs for today:
Jaci Velasquez

This year (I'm already considering this 2008) I will become more anchored in God's word. This year I had an eye opening and it made me realize that you can not compromise God's word, you can not be friends with everyone, somethings and some people you have to let go and sometimes you cannot befriend them because of their decisions, the way they wish to live their lives. Reading this devotion I am learning that you have to say things in love and not "beat them" over the head with God's word but at the same time you can not compromise his words, his principles.

I read a wonderful post last night in reference to a fellow Christian's daughter that came to the Lord at a very young age and as I write this God is leading me to come in partnership with younger people that follow Christ Jesus because the way our world is now it's painting a world that it's okay sleep with anyone outside of marriage, it's okay to have children outside of marriage, it's okay sleep with the same sex and when you speak out against that you are being "judgmental". One thing I have realized that first and foremost God has giving everyone free will, God never has and never will force his principles on anyone because he wants you to love Him because He wants the best for our lives. We can choose a lifestyle opposite of his ways but he always give us the rewards and consequences of our choices in life.

In my writing I have tried my best to come across in this fashion, never judgmental because I know I am not perfect, I have made mistakes and I know down the road I will make mistakes because I am not perfect but at the same time I will know longer walk on eggshells when it comes to certain subjects, certain beliefs I have because the world does not walk on eggshells when it comes their way of living. The end of 2007 has made me realize that you cannot sometimes when you live a certain way you may step on toes on the way. You do not mean to hurt people feelings but I am learning that God wants the best for our lives and if it means living through persecution, rejection, being shunned in order for us to reach his kingdom in the end, to have everlasting life then so be it.

I think of Christ being beat beyond recognition, back being ripped open until you seen muscles in order for me to be forgiven for my sins the least I can do for my savior is stand on his word. So if this post comes off kind of "closed minded" so be it because we are at war and Satan is playing for keeps. We as Followers of Christ Jesus must become true anchors for God's word and stop compromising his word because of fear of being politically correct because doing we are not being true to God's ways.

This year (2007) has taught me that you can love someone for who they are but never compromise God's word because once you head down that road you lose your insight, your integrity, your peace. Jesus came to reach the sinners, challenged the religious leaders who prejudice against the gentiles (which means that he hates racism), loved the sinner but did not tolerate sin. That is what I am striving for in 2008.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& have a wonderful Sunday.

"There are three things that are never satisfied—
no, four that never say, “Enough!”:
the grave,
the barren womb,
the thirsty desert,
the blazing fire."

~proverbs 30:15(b)-16

My Sunday Tech Story Picks:

My Sunday Audio Picks:
Spiritual Warfare 101 Part 2
(Chip Ingram)

Jumping Monkeys 28: Brian Niles of PTA Tech Corner
(Megan Morrone and Leo Laporte)

Dec 29, 2007

Saturday Reflections & Tech Gems

It Is Not Good>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries

I have learned that the more you open to people the more you can get hurt, disappointed and do the same to others. But I have also learned that in the end we really do need one another. Over time you find out who will be in your life just for a season or a lifetime. Having someone to share your thoughts, your ideas, your likes and dislikes is a true blessing. For many years I had the problem of not opening up to people for fear of rejection because of my appearance, my speech (I stuttered really bad). It took me moving away from my small town to realize that (1) It was more than just Madison, Illinois (2) People will be people.

Over the years I have become more confident in myself, I have began to love myself more and more, trust in God more and to be true to myself. Learning to be true to myself was the biggest hurdle I had to jump and when doing so I believe that is when I truly found my true self. This is when I realized that God has blessed us all with different gift, different ways of communication with people. I have learned that it's okay to disagree on some issues but I have also learned to never compromise your's about doing right and not being right all the time.

Surround yourself with people who "like you for you" is a great thing but sometimes being around someone who is totally opposite of you makes you realize what you will and will not tolerate in your life and many times you may find out you may have more in common with that person than you realize. One of favorite movies is "The Breakfast Club" where these five students realize that's it's cool to just be yourself and learn to open yourself up to people who on the outside you may not have things in common but later you may find out you do.

The main thing is seek God when it comes to meeting someone, you may be surprised who becomes a close friend.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Weekend.

Inspiration songs for today:
Bebe Norman

My Saturday tech story picks:
"Fools vent their anger,
but the wise quietly hold it back."

~proverbs 29:11

My Audio Picks for Saturday:
Thru the Bible Questions & Answers
(Dr. J. Vernon McGee)

Leo Laporte - The Tech Guy 416
(Leo Laporte)

Dec 27, 2007

Reflections for Thursday & Tech Nuggets

Family Stories>>>more
Devotion from
RBC Ministries

Whenever I see an older person in their 70s and up I call them "libraries" because for me that is a wealth of information, wisdom. I am learning more and more how it is important to share wisdom and fun times with my grandchildren. When they come over it's their time to be "children". Sure the Mrs. and I give them chores but most of all it's really fun spending time with them. When spending time with them it takes me back to when I spent time with my grandmother and how she did not have much just her love, her attention toward me meant the world to me.

I have to admit not having any children of my own and coming into a blended family has at sometimes been a struggle but this year has been pretty good. Our Christmas get together went well, and Casey and I played the Wii (which I recommend every adult get one, loads of fun) but most important teaching him patience, showing that you care, and allowing him to see that you put God first always is the most important to me. I am learning and loving God's word more each day and I think another reason why my relationship with the grandchildren are much better. They see how much I love their grandmother(man that's sound really weird, but in a good way) and they know I go out of my way to respect, honor her.

Giving gifts is cool but showing respect for your elders and showing respect for the younger generation is more precious. Having these family stories are the true treasures for the very young and the very old.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
Have a Wonderful Thursday.

"Don’t brag about tomorrow,
since you don’t know what the day will bring."

~proverbs 27:1

My Thursday Tech Story Picks:

My Thursday Podcasts Picks:

Signs of the Times Part 1(part B)
(Pastor Greg Laurie)

Daily Giz Wiz 469: DYMO DiscPainter
(Dick DeBartolo)

The Challenge to End Well-A(Dec 27 audio)
(Dr. Charles Stanley)

DL.TV Episode 209
(Roger Chang & Robert Heron)

Dec 22, 2007

Saturday Reflections & Tech Gems

Where's The Leash?>>>more
From RBC Ministries

I like the name of this devotion because so many people, Christians and non-Christians feel this way many times when it comes to following God's ways. I think many times people feel like God's ways keep us from having fun and for me that is the opposite. My opinion I wish I would have learned his ways years earlier. God does not want to keep us on a "tight leash" so to speak.

Think of it at times with our own children. We have one child that when we tell them something to do once, we tell them the consequences for their actions(good and bad) they get it and we rarely have to tell them again. We are not saying that this child is a saint but the responsible they are the more freedom they have because they can be trusted and we as parents do not mind giving them perks. Now the other child we have to stay on them constantly. They wish to do their own thing but do not wish to deal with the consequences for their actions. They complain, they whine assisting that life is not fair, they are always getting singled out but do not want to deal with the fact his troubles is his own causing and this is how are with God at times.

We know deep down the road choices we make will either bring us joy or pain and what's really sad many times we think we are pulling the wool over on God. I love how the devotion says that "God gives us a long leash" so to speak but if we do our best to live by his principles we do not have to worry about looking over our shoulder to see if God is "gonna zap us". And to be honest God is not that way, he has given you and I free will but has made it very clear of the blessings and curses we will receive if we live by his word of rebel against his word plain and simple. He knows we are going to make mistakes but I look at life like is hard enough so why add unnecessary heartache to it?

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
and Have a Wonderful Weekend/Christmas.

"A person who gets ahead by oppressing the poor or by showering gifts on the rich will end in poverty"

~proverbs 22:16

Tech Stories for Saturday:

My Christian and Tech Audio Picks:
Christian Picks:
Thru the Bible Questions & Answers
(Dr. J. Vernon McGee)

Why the Shepherds?
(Dr. David Jeremiah)

Tech Pick:
Leo Laporte - The Tech Guy 414
(Leo Laporte)

Dec 20, 2007

Thursday Reflections & Tech Gems

Doing Good>>>more
from RBC Ministries

I read this devotion, I read the passage and the life application notes in my Bible and I have to admit, not only staying positive but not speaking out is one of the hardest things to do especially when you have been accused of something false. You see it all the time played out in the public when one person has been accused of something and how one person goes either to the media and tries to clear their name. I am not going to lie that's a hard pill to swallow when you know you are innocent but that is what our Lord and Saviour tells us to do.

I don't think I have ever had to face something like the person in this devotion and I know I have never had to go through what Jesus Christ went through but I am realizing that it's best to remain quiet when someone tries to smear your reputation. I'm learning that so much energy gets waisted when trying to prove your point especially in this day and time. I have learned that no matter how you try and bury the truth it finds it way to the surface. Does this still means you do not suffer through that time? You will suffer because since we live in a fallen world sometimes we suffer for during the right thing.

When you strive to do it God's way it may cost you some friends along the way because your path may be different from the path you was once on and sometimes friends, family members may not like the path you are on but in Matthew 10 Jesus is clear in explaining the cost when following him and the road is not an easy road but to me it's worth the trials because in the end I know where I am going to end up when it's all said and done.

Be Blessed, Be Safe,
and Have a Wonderful Thursday

Thursday Tech Story Picks:

Thursday Audio Picks
Romans 12:12-13:1
(Thru the Bible)

Finding Sexual Fulfillment in Marriage (Part 2)
(HomeWord w/Jim Burns)

A gossip betrays a confidence;

so avoid a man who talks too much.
~Proverbs 20:19

net@nite 41: w00t
(Amber MacArthur)

MacBreak Weekly 70: Happy Life Day
(Leo Laporte, Alex Lindsay, Andy Ihnatko, Chris Breen, Merlin Mann, and Scott Bourne)

Dec 19, 2007

Wednesday Reflections & Tech Gems

A Real Christmas>>>more
from RBC Ministries

This devotion truly sums it up for me, Christ did not die on the cross so we could treat him like a "Genie in the bottle", to just snap our fingers to make our problems go away but he died for us to (1) have eternal life (2) To give us peace in time of conflict (3) To be the light for others. I have said this before but we as Christians sometimes get it twisted when it comes our heavenly Father. Sometimes even as Christians I think sometimes we treat God like he is an Monopoly "Get out of Jail" free card. The Holy Bible is an instruction book on how to live our lives.

There are so many awesome things about His word. First and foremost God used people with some serious flaws and I think that is where we as Christians has to get that point across. I mean really think about it, he used a man (Saul at the time) who was a persecutor of Christians, who gave the okay to arrest, imprison, and execute Christians. Peter who denied Christ 3 times in order to save face with the public. King David who not only slept with another man's wife but had the guy killed. So many others in the Bible who was flawed, who made mistakes by accident or on purpose God still used them to do great things and that is why I love God so much because goodness knows I have made so stupid mistakes.

We as followers of Jesus Christ have to let the world know that when you give your life over to him things are not going to get easier, to some degree the walk will become more tedious because we are going against the world tide now. We have to let people know we are not better than anyone because we are still flawed, we will make mistakes, we still from time to time will miss the mark but the great thing now is that more our walk becomes closer with God the more humble we become and that when we die we do not have to worry about where we will spend eternity. We also have to let people know that when God has told us things not to do he is not trying to keep anything away from us because he sees the end results and he does not want us to suffer unnecessary pain because we go through enough pain as it is when dealing with the world. The older I get the more I realize that though I do not wish to go through some things in my life it makes me stronger, wiser and it makes me more sensitive to others in need.

My Tech Stories Pick for Today:
My Audio Picks for Wednesday
Jesus, the Light of the World
(Love Worth Finding)

One thing I have always loved about the late Adrian Rogers teaching is not only his love for Christ but how he digs down and get facts about certain subjects. This message truly gives me an understanding that Jesus Truly is the "Reason for the Season"

Why did Jesus Become a Man?
(Turning Point)

If and when Zondra and I visit San Diego Pastor David Jeremiah will be one of the first churches we will visit. I truly like the way he teaches God's word with such conviction and such warmth.


TWiT 125: John's Nuts

One of the funnest podcast from TWiT in a while when Leo talks about the Santa bot. Not only is this episode informative but when Dvorak is on board you never know what to expect.

net@nite 40: Fishing From The Company Pier

Not only was she voted the "sexiest female geek" but she has the smarts to back it up. I really do like this podcast because she keeps Leo on his toes and I love the websites she finds.

Dec 17, 2007

Monday Morning Widsom & Other Gems

Forever Joyful>>>more
from RBC Ministries

I am beginning to realize more and more that I do not want to be happy and I am not seeking happiness anymore. I'm I am being a "downer"? Nope, far from it. I am learning that I wish to have joy in heart and my spirit and I wish to share joy with people more so than happiness. I am learning that when you have joy you are content with what you have in the moment. This is not to say that you do not strive to better yourself because God wants you and I to have fulfillment in our lives but He wants you and I to have our priorities in place when seeking to better ourselves.

When you focus on God's word first, read his word, do the best that can by living out his word the blessings are endless. He knows we are going to slip up from time to time but when you repent and truly mean it his mercy and grace is with you always. Where we go wrong is when we take our eyes, mind, heart away from his principles, striving just for material things is when we begin a downward spiral. We lose focus of family, friends, what is truly important to us day in and day.

The more you train yourself in God's word the more you realize that day by day you will be thankful for what you have, you are content with what you have and before you know you will not only be God centered but he will truly give you "the desires of your heart" while not losing focus on what truly brings you joy.

Be Blessed, Be Safe and
Have a Wonderful Monday

My Tech Stories Pick for this morning:

My Audio Picks for Monday Morning:
The New Jerusalem
(Back to the Bible) with Woodrow Kroll

Listening to this message this morning gave me more insight on the book of Revelation. It makes me strive to learn more about the last book in the bible. Dr. Woodrow Kroll for me has always has a "down to earth" way of teaching God's word.

What We All Got For Christmas
(Enduring Truth) with Paul Sheppard

I'm going to be honest, some people may not like this message and some may. Pastor Sheppard breaks it down giving the true meaning of Christmas. What's best about this message is that he encourages us to surround ourselves with people who walk with God is deeper than ours so we can really appreciate God's ways.

Windows Weekly 44: 100 Million w00ts! &
Windows Weekly 43: The Release Candidate

Yesterday while taking the grandkids to have their picture taking I had a chance to begin catching up on my tech podcast and I was drawn to Paul Thurrott's latest podcast with Leo Laporte. Love windows, hate Windows...we will come across this OS whether we want to or not. I truly enjoy the way Paul teaches the ins and outs of Windows. I have a Vista machine and while I have it I might as well try and learn some of the tricks on this OS. Whether or not it will be with us in the long time will tell but for now it never hurts to learn every now and then.

"Love prospers when a fault is forgiven,
but dwelling on it separates close friends."

~proverbs 17:9