Nov 7, 2008

Reflections from Friday's Devotional For 07 November 08

Our Daily Bread: Waiting
Biblical Passage : Psalm 70 (New Living Translation)

There are so many ways to approach this subject on patience. I thought I was a patient person but then a situation comes up from time to time and I see I have a long way to go. There are some things I can just sit back and wait and other things I wish it would come and be over with (like the election...thank goodness it is over). It's amazing when waiting on God to respond to certain things in my life I want him to act "right now, CHOP, CHOP!

But I realize I am on His time table and not the other way around and deep down I know in the end it is always in my best interest. I think back on past relationships that I knew "man she is right for me" and now I look back and say, "Thank you Jesus for not answering that prayer." I have to get this through my head day in and day out which is so true each day I am on this earth, God ways are not my own ways plain and simple. He knows what I need in my life, what I need to pursue, what I need to avoid but it's up to me that when I go His way that I learn how to realize that while I'm waiting, God is working.

Now waiting on God does not mean I just sit back at do nothing. This means I keep doing what is right for my family, for myself and just know that God is working it out in my favor and I'm not going to lie that is not easy to do many times but if I don't want to start from zero it's best to do it His way. The next time you read about Abraham or about Jonah read how when they did not do it God's way and not have patience how many times that they were placed at the very starting point where they began. I have had those kind of situations and let me tell you, the older you get the less fun that is beginning all over again. You begin to learn that doing it God's way, the right way saves you so much unnecessary grieve.

Not being patient, doing it your own way will work for you for a little while but when it falls apart, it falls apart hard and your ways breaks in sometimes a million pieces and sometimes you cannot put it back together again and in the end you are left with the three famous words many hate to say and go through, "shoulda, woulda, coulda". Learning not rush God is a lesson that will save you heartache in the very end...but being a Follower of Christ we already know this right?


Be Blessed, Be Safe,
& Have a Wonderful Friday

Christian Podcast to check out...
Love Worth Finding - Dr. Adrian Rogers
Are You Fit to Be Tied?

Tech Podcast to check out...
TWiT - net@night with Amber and Leo

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