Sep 28, 2008

Reflections for 28Sept08 Sunday

reflections from ODB "Showing Up" & the passage for today

The really great thing about the devotions from Our Daily Bread is that it breaks it's meaning down in reference to understanding God, Jesus Christ, how to communicate with him that a child can understand. This morning devotion [Showing Up] hit a cord with me this morning. When you pray you have to do it every day, even when you do not feel like it. You have to keep that line of communication open with God because if you don't you find yourself making excuse after excuse not to pray. If you don't do this then you begin to treat our Lord and Savior like a "genie in a bottle going to him only in emergencies.

That is what I have been doing and I'm being honest with myself. I have allowed myself to think of God's word as a chore and not a pleasure and that is so wrong. What he has done for me I can't begin to measure and at times when reading the devotions and God's word I find myself struggling to read it and sometimes feel myself rushing through Bible and that is not right. It's amazing how I have become so lazy in reference to reading His word because when I am really honest with myself I find so much peace when reading God's word, applying His word but yet many times I do not feel like doing it. There is no excuse for me NOT to do this and from this day forth I have to hold myself accountable for my action. I can't use the excuse of not reading because I'm too busy. As a person told me years ago. You and Bill Gates have the same amount of time in the day (24 hours)'s what you do with them is what counts".

As the writer in the devotion from today says,

"The writer Nancy Mairs says she attends church in the same spirit she goes to her desk every morning to write, so that if an idea comes she’ll be there to receive it. I approach prayer the same way. I keep on whether it feels like I am profiting or not. I show up in hopes of getting to know God better, perhaps hearing from Him in ways accessible only through solitude."

Today is that day for me. I will go to bed at the proper time, spend time with God, write when I feel like it or not. I have to put things in order because if I want to be my best, if I want to know the will of God for my life, I have to use the tools that have been blessed with because it is so true...if you don't use them, you will lose them.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, &
Have a Wonderful Sunday.

Great podcast to check out today: Thru The Bible Q&A w/J. Vernon McGee

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