Nov 18, 2006

Weekend Devotion & Reflections

"Fools have no interest in understanding;
they only want to air their own opinions".
proverbs 18:2

Cleaning Out The Files>>>more
devotion from rbc ministries
messages: A must "listen to":
Dr. Charles Stanley's
How To Handle The Burdens We Bear - Part 1
How To Handle The Burdens We Bear - Part 2

This is one of the reasons why I am so glad I am a Christian, knowing God has forgiven me of my sins...past, present, future. Two of my favorite movies are Ray and Walk the Line. One thing that stands out to me about these movies are regrets, guilt. Ray Charles and Johnny Cash had past demons that kept haunting them, the tragedies that happened in their lives. Even though it was not there fault they could shake the fact they thought it was their burden what happened to their brothers. That is why so many people are on a road of self destruction. No matter how many times you tell how nice they look, how much of you enjoy their company, what joy they bring into your lives, those compliments fall to the wayside because of past memories, past regrets, past guilt. Many Christians do the same thing, my brothers and sisters in Christ say with their mouths that God has forgiven that but they still carry that "yoke" around their necks by themselves.

Once you truly give your life over to Christ Jesus, he is our advocate, he is our attorney, God does not and will bring up our sins no more and that is an awesome feelings. Knowing that Jesus comes along side of us, gives us new life to carry on each and every day gives me a pep in my step and smile to my face. They are things that's happened in my life I wish that never happened to me...some things I brought on myself, somethings I have no control over; things that were once a huge burden around my neck. This is where my moods swings would come into play. One day I would be happy, joyful, fun to be around...other days I would want to be all alone, mad at the world, all because I would dwell on how I was teased in school because of my stuttering, how I was dateless in high school, the names I was called growing up. That was my crutch, my safety place. I was a very unpredictable, miserable person to be around.

Then in year 2000 took a turn for the better. When I found out how much God loved me, what His gave up for me on calvary, the fact that how Christ wronged no one and went to the Cross to have His Father look away from Him for a moment because Christ Jesus took my sins, MY SINS...past, present and future to live a for Him and to have guilt free life? How can I not be a happy person. This does not mean that I'm Ned Flanders (even though he is my favorite character) everyday. Past regrets come to me but they do not stay. I heard pastor Greg Laurie make this statement last night while I was at work, "all Christians should wear a sign around their neck saying, 'Christians..Under in progress'". I thought that hit the nail on the head. That is what I am everyday. I'm not perfect, I'm going to make mistakes, I'm going to say the wrong things every now and then but I do not have to hold on to those mistakes I will make in the future because I once I truly repent of my sins, God remembers them no more.

To people who are not saved, give it over to Christ, lay your burdens on Him and He will give you strength you can not believe. To be able to live your life knowing you are covered by the blood of Jesus is the best feeling in the world. Situations will come believe me but the load of past regrets, mistakes you make will not be a hindrance to your life, you repent with all your heart and truly believe that Christ died for your sins, the memories of past regrets will be there but not the weight of your mistakes. And to my brothers and sisters in Christ...for you and I to feel we are not forgiven is an insult to our Father. He would not have sent His son, His ONLY son to suffer the beaten, the humiliation, the suffering on the cross for you and if our sins could not be forgiving. We have made mistakes, we will make many more in our lives because we are a work in progress and it is a process we will go through until we see Him again. Jesus died for you and I to have a wonderful life here on earth, to be a example to others...yes we are flawed, we are sinners, we make mistakes...but those things are badges of honor because we let the world know, without Him...we are nothing; with Him, we are conquerors.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, and Have a Wonder weekend~

Praying For Our Children
from Christian Embassy Church


"Lord, teach my children to persevere in all they do, and help them run with perseverance the race set before them".

Hebrews 12:1


"God, Please cultivate in my children the ability to show true humility toward all."

Titus 3:2

other devotions for the weekend:

audio messages from

tech news for Saturday:

tech netcast for Saturday:
local/national/world news:

"People ruin their lives by their own foolishness
and then are angry at the Lord".

proverbs 19:3

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