Oct 8, 2007

Giving Thanks To God and Not Judging Others

Devotion and Reflections for Tuesday

Storytime>>>>>click here for the devotion
from RBC Ministries

I have a story to share....

This past Sunday while in church I noticed a brother who was truly praising the Lord. You could tell this brother in his former life may have been pretty hard but there he was in the front row, dancing, praising, standing up whenever I pastor was hitting on key points that made the brother stood to give praise to God. Looking at the brother I could do nothing but smile and give thanks that Satan has lost another soldier from his army and God has gained on more for his side.

I can smile now but I could remember back when I would have said "why is he jumping up and down like that? All that is not necessary. What a hypocrite". But in fact I would have been the biggest hypocrite. But I'm older now, more mature now and I know where God has brought me and where he delivered me. I may not have drank, smoked weed or smoked period but I was rotten to the core. I slept around, I stole, I manipulated my way through life, I have had bullets whiz by my head and I have been shot but through it all I would hear time and time again how God loved me just because. At the time I didn't want to hear that, didn't want to think of that "holy" stuff but from time to time I thought about where I would end up when I died. I would wander about some of the men and women of the Bible, the places they lived but I still wanted to do my thing but all the while knew the life I was living was not for me.

I remember going to night clubs and not really feeling like I should be there. I never drank at the night clubs and I hated how my clothing would smell afterward but to honest I really didn't love myself because now that I look back how in the world could I find true love in a club. I have tried to play the field and got played more times than playing the playa. God had been with me, all the foolish things I put myself through. I know he had His hand on me, even when I did not want His hand on me because he had bigger plans for me than I had for myself and I'm glad he never let go of me.

Fast forward now and I have met so many wonderful people, in person, on the web and now I think, what if God would have "turned me over to my ways". The way I wanted to live my life. I would be back home in Madison, Illinois, probably having 3 or 4 children out of wedlock, staying home with my mother (I was an only child so you know sometimes how some men end up being "mama's boys). But hearing of God's mercy, his grace, how we have to step out on faith...these things I've done and He has caught me every time I have put my trust in him and at the same time being obedient to His word.

Now I'm not going to say I have done everything right because I would be a liar. I have been a knuckle head from time to time and it has cost me but in the end I didn't have to learn the hard way each and ever time. In the end I have learned to ask for help when I need it, admit when I am ignorant of some things. I have learned that just because I didn't learn something on the first try I am not stupid. I have learned to let my guard down around people, open my heart at times when there is a risk of being hurt, to praise God and not be ashamed of it. To share his wonderful news and realize that if someone does not want to hear The Good News, they are not rejecting me, they are rejecting God and that God loves them so much that he has giving them free will not to follow his will.

But I have also learned that with most loving parents, they do not give us want we want but give us what we need. How a parent holds you accountable for your actions, how sometimes when you turn your back on the truth how they sometimes have to let you go know matter how much it pains them because in the end we all will have to give an account of our actions whether we want to are not.

Giving my life over to God has giving me so much joy, and peace. I know I was not missing anything when I ran the streets, slept around, stole just because, did not care about other people feelings because what you plant you will reap in harvest and I became tired of reaping misery. Now when I look at that young man who smile from ear to ear, stands up and gives honor to God with no shame I can look at him and say, "I truly understand and I'm there with you brother all the way."

Be Blessed, Be Safe and
Have a Wonderful Tuesday everyone.

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