Apr 29, 2007

Devotion and Reflections for Sunday from a Geek

I learn so much from the devotions from
rbc ministries. What jump out at me with this devotion was the very last line...

"The law of sowing and reaping has never been repealed"

We seem to forget that at times when we make choice against God's will. Yes, God is a very forgiven God and yes if we are very sincere and humble God will forgive you and I. But many people think that we are not forgiven because we still have to deal with the aftermath of that decision, that act that we committed. Many of us (including myself because I have said this myself when I was younger), "I thought you forgave me Lord? Why I'm I still going through this matter?"

God can and sometimes will not let us suffer the consequences for our actions but that is very rare and it has taken me to now to realize why we still suffer from some choices we make. Even with non-Christians our Lord has given you and I a conscience to know right from wrong and I have mention this before; God gave you and I domain over this earth in the very beginning of time but when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit they turned it over to Satan. Now one thing I have learned from the Bible is this: God cannot violate his Word, His principles. God never wanted sin in the world but when he created man and woman He also gave them free will. But what I love about God is that He told man (Adam, He did not tell Adam and Eve as many believe. {Genesis 2:4-17 }So it was man's job for Eve not to eat the fruit. And let's not forget Adam was at Eve's side so He had every opportunity to stop Eve; {Genesis 3:1-19})

We sometimes want yell out and cry to God, "How can He be so cruel?" and many times we have really sit back and do some self reflections of our lives and take responsibilities for our actions. Since the fall of man and woman in the Garden we have grown more and more a society that wants to blame others for our choices and this is why many times their is hardship in our lives. True, they are circumstances that are out of our control but if we are really honest with ourselves it's the choices we have made most times that has brought us to some of the conditions we are in right now.

But here is the wonderful thing about being under God's protection when being a believer, even though we may have to suffer from decisions we have made in our lives most times it is only a season instead of a lifetime. It's also good to know is that when you are really sincere about your action God we forgive you and He will not hold this over your head forever. But then someone will, "but you just said that God let's you and I suffer for our actions, You're talking out of both sides of you neck, man?"{in my surfer dude's voice}). We tend to mix up "forgiveness" with "accountability". From Adam and Eve to Moses to King David to Jonah and many other true men and women of God, He always forgave but they still had to pay a price for disobeying God. If he did not do this, how would learn our lesson in life? It's like if I smoked for twenty years and the doctor has told me, "DarrenKeith here are your choices...stop smoking today and you live...continue to smoke and you die in the next 3 months". I stop smoking, start eating right, exercising, the whole "healthy thang (I know it's pronounced "thing" but just bare with me). Now even though I have begin to do what my physician has told me to do they damage is still done to my lungs. Now it will take me some years to get back to the way I once was but I will not be at a 100% because of the years I have robbed myself of this habit (smoking) but I have slowed down the process of dying in 3 months.

What I love about God is He is a God of "second" chances...and third...and forth...and so on. He loves you and so much that He wants you and I to enjoy our life here on this planet. But like any good parent there are "do's and do not's". We can choose to defy Him and again what we reap we will so. And think about this, you may not suffer the consequences but sometimes our children will. I have seen this happen too many times and it is a very sad thing to see. I love God because I have come to know that being a child of God He "disciplines" me for some of my choices and not pour our His "wrath" on me and that my friends is a very big difference. We will make mistakes and God's knows this because we are not perfect but to know that we are forgiven when we truly and sincerely repent is an awesome thing to know about our Heavenly Father. But again remember this...

"The law of sowing and reaping has never been repealed"

Be Blessed, Be Safe
& Have a Wonderful Sunday. ^_^

image: allposters.com

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