Feb 3, 2007

Devotion & Reflection for this Weekend.

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This devotion speaks to not only the believer but the non believer as well. When a love one dies and whether or not we are Followers of Christ or not we feel a sadness, an empty space in our heart, in our soul, we miss their presence. We understand when some one up in age has died but not someone prime in their life or someone born with a disability. We get angry with God, we feel he has done he are she was wronged in life. I have gotten older now to know that I do not have all the answers and God may reveal them to me once I am in His presence or He may not. This I do know, God is real, God has given us emotions and He know we will get upset with Him from time to time and He is okay with that.

I have come to an understanding in my life where if someone close to me dies I will mourn and I will grieve but I know that one day Jesus Christ will rise them again and if they were a believer in Christ Jesus I will be with them again because of His promise. Nothing we do surprises God so when tragic happens in our lives He knows we have questions, we will sometimes lash out at Him, we may even curse Him but He is a loving, wonderful, forgiving Father that after all the angry, sadness He is there for you and I. He may choose to answer you and in that time of hurting, the answer may come gradually, or He may answer at all. But know this, if we are truly love the Lord and we trust Him, He will give us the strength to go on and that hurt will heal and he will make you a vessel to heal someone else in that time of need.

I'm will not ever downplay someone tragedy because that pain is very real. I have learned not to say, "oh I know how you feel" or other things to that nature because as I said earlier I don't have all the answers nor will I pretend have all the answers. Many times the best thing to do in situations like these is to "just be there". When Job lost everything it says his friends came and sat with him for 7 days and just mourned and cried with him.

Sometimes they will lash out at you if they know you are a believer, it's not against you so do not take it personal because again, we as humans want to know "why?". I have come to this conclusion in my own life...I trust God, I know God has my best interest in heart. I know that since the fall of Adam and Eve, there is going to be death, tragedy, suffering. God did not attend for it to be this way but since our first, "Father and Mother" was rebellious, we are paying the price for their disobedience. But I also know that God gave them free will, to love Him or not to love and follow Him...he loved you and I that much. I also know that He sent His Son over 2000 years ago to take our place where our sins were placed upon Him...our past, present, and future sins so that we will rise again, be with our loves ones that believed in Him also and that is a awesome for me to know where I will be once I die.

Death will bring sadness, anger in our lives but knowing that they know God and believed in Jesus Christ also brings joy that we will be united with them and will be with God and them for ever and ever is great news as well.

Be Blessed, Be Safe, and Have Great Weekend.

Praying For Our Children
Christian Embassy Church


"Father, grant that my children would learn to live a life of love., through the Spirit who lives in them."

Ephesians 5:2

"Lord, may integrity and uprightness protect my children because their hopes are in you."

Psalm 25:21

image: allposters.com

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